Wednesday 13 April 2011

I really dislike it when...

really dislike it when...

people who are meant to be someones friend decide that it is a good idea to make stupid blog posts about them behind their back. So basically what I am trying to say is  if you are going to do it in the first place don't make it blatently obvious... especially not on a social networking site like Blogger. I mean when you are talking about this person you call them "this person" and by calling them "this person" you are just making it more obvious because... considering that you are a cowardly whore, you are going to say "this person". This person has a name and if you are going to be a complete bitch 24/7 you might as well not be a coward about it. For crying out loud. I mean come on.

Oh and just a little side note. I really dislike you too. I know girls bitch but you just take it to a whole new level.

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